What are some small things that matter a lot?

Few days ago, I came across a video.
There's a man in that video.
Who always shows his responsive nature over small to smaller things.
Even which can be ignored also..
Everyday, helps this same aunt with her food trolley on the way to his work. Even, everyday she keeps waiting there specially for him.
Everyday he feeds this same dog, even when he had to remain hungry for that sometimes.
Everyday he helps this same girl for her education whether he's having thesufficient amount of it or not.
Everytime, he shows his over caring nature to all those out there.
And everyday at the end of the day, he leaves a hand of bananas to this same old & lonely lady for whom there's no one to look after, without her knowledge.
People like this,
& this
keeps wondering,
What does he get in return ?
For doing these everytime & everyday.
Literally, Nothing.
He gets nothing.
He won't be richer.
He won't be a superstar overnight & appear on TV.
Still, will remain anonymous to everyone & not a bit more famous.
So, do these things really matter ? Then, why is he doing these ?
It's high time to answer the original question.
These endless small helps..
They matter a lot..
What he does receive are emotions.
When he gets to see the same girl started to going school whom he has been helping over the days for the same reason.
He witnesses the satisfaction.
He witnesses happiness.
Reaches a deeper understanding.
He witnesses company, friendship, no matter whoever they are.
He receives respect & a small Thanks, still which matters a lot for us.
& most importantly, he feels the love.
Receives something what money can't buy.
A world made more beautiful. Full of emotions.
And really, in our life, what else it is that we desire the most ?
So, guys, keep helping, keep spreading the good.
Those endless small helps of yours may return to you in such a way you could never imagine.
Thanks for reading.
Cheers !