What are some things you realized when you got mature?

  • Your body is an invaluable asset. Do not take it for granted.
  • It is OK to be an average person, as long as you maintain your originality.
  • Using the sleep hours for studies/job is catastrophic. Stick to 7-hours-sleep-per-day rule.
  • Appearances do matter. Be clean and well-dressed.
  • Attention seeking is deceptive. Try to gain respect, instead.
  • Stalking a girl is no longer an act of romanticism.
  • Coercing or begging for a relationship is stupidity. True relationships wont work that way.
  • Never ever character-assassinate a girl. It is not at all an amusement.
  • No matter what, Respect Women. For that matter, start from your mother.
  • Having unschooled parents is not an embarrassment. No one gives a damn about you, except them.
  • Don’t be obsessed with expanding your friends circle. Value the existing ones and spend time for them, instead.
  • Yes. Expectation hurts. Keep the number of people to a minimum, from whom you expect things. Earth will be a paradise if you master this art.
  • Maturity is a process, not a state.
Thanks for reading!
Have Fun!!
Edit 1:
Going through the comments section, I understand several people differ with me on the idea "Respect Women". Respect should be earned and it should not be gender based, as they say, and I have no disagreement with that. Having said that, the term 'Respect' has a wider context here. It entails acknowledging the elements like a woman's individuality, values, ambitions, interests, preferences etc and not forcing her to follow ours. Hailing from a progressing society, I have witnessed several instances in which men have failed to acknowledge or respect these elements. It rarely happens for men and comparatively, often happens for women.
Thank you